html full tutorial for intermediate

Html full course for intermediates-

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hello there . html stands for hyper text mark up language

there are different tags in html .

first we start with :-



<title> the basic one </title>



the main and basic format of an html is this

one see this carefully.





Its done guys that was the basic format now we are going to learn . now lets come to some tags to make it look better.

By the ways there are two types of tags in html one is

1.    Container tags:- the tags which can be on and off are called container tags .Example <html> which when closed is </html>

2.     Empty tags:- the tags which can be on but no need to be closed are called empty tags.example; <br>

How to make an html file is very simple just open a notepad type your

Html code inside it and then save the file with any name but don’t forget that at the end of the name use .html

Then open with it your browser and you re done .

Heading:- this is used to make the text as heading but of different size.

It is used as:-



<title> the basic one </title>



<h1>the main and basic format of an html is this </h1>

<h2>one see this these lines which</h2>

<H3>you have read just now are a proof that</h3>

<h4>you want to really learn html</h4>

<h5>this is basically a notes for me</h5>

<h6>and a tutorial for you all.</h6>



Now we use <center> and </center> tag to make the body in the center:-



<title> the basic one </title>




<h1>the main and basic format of an html is this </h1>

<h2>one see this these lines which</h2>

<H3>you have read just now are a proof that</h3>

<h4>you want to really learn html</h4>

<h5>this is basically a notes for me</h5>

<h6>and a tutorial for you all.</h6>




To get a new line we use <br>and <hr> to add a horizontal margin line.

Now changing the appearance of the text by:-

·       <b> </b> for bolding any line or text

·       <i> </i> for applying italic format

·       <u> </u> for applying an under line

Changing font ,size, text colour and background

For handwriting :- <font face = “lucida handwriting”> </font>

For size :- <font size = “3”>

For colour <font color = “red”>

And after it closing tag </font>

Now lets come to

How to change background:-

In body line only add <body bgcolor= “red”>

And according to the basic format you will have to close the body


Margins for spaces:-

<top margin= 40>

Also applicable in other directions



<title> the basic one </title>


<body bgcolor = "purple" topmargin = "34" >


<h1>the main and basic format of an html is this </h1>

<h2><i><b><u><p align= "center"> <font face = "lucida handwriting " font size = "3"  font color = "red" > one see this carefully</b>.</i>

now these lines</font> <br>which </u></h2>

<H3>you have read just now are a proof that <hr size = 10></h3>

<h4>you want to really learn html</h4>

<h5>this is basically a notes for me</h5>

<h6>and a tutorial for you all.</h6>






Thanks a lot for reading . hope you understood my hardwork